Archive of ‘DIY Crafts’ category

DIY Reusable Check List

Roscoe-Dog-ListI have a semi-long story about a really fast project I made for my dogs. I have two pug dogs: Petey and Roscoe. Petey is a year and a half and Roscoe is seven years old. We got both of them from dog rescues last year.

DIY Motivational Printables

I have a confession…I’m NOT a morning person. It takes three alarms on my phone plus some gentle nudging and not-so-gentle prodding from husband to get up in the morning. So I decided to put up some motivating posters to help me wake up in the morning.

DIY Owl Wall Art

This is my second owl craft in about three weeks, so I guess you can probably tell that I like owl stuff. I recently moved into a new apartment and the walls are pretty bare, so I thought, “Why not make some owl stuff to put on the walls?”


DIY Fascinators

Hey everybody, I had the opportunity to go to a “Mad Hatter” party last week, and I learned how to make this amazing fascinator. If you don’t know what a fascinator is, it’s like a little hat that attaches onto your head with a headband – the kind that Kate Middleton and her ilk might wear. (more…)

DIY Owl Mosaic

Hey, everybody! It’s time for one of those dollar store craft challenges, and this week it’s a doozy. Use school supplies from Dollar Tree to make a craft. So, readers… What can you make using school supplies as craft supplies? (more…)

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