DIY Tree-less Christmas Tree

This year I took part in the 1st Annual Ornament Exchange hosted by One Artsy Mama. The rules were to make or purchase an ornament for your partner according to their likes or preferences, and then ship it by November 30.

I was paired with Miss Gabrielle @ Oh Boy, Cato, who listed her favorite colors as classic, red and white, burlap, shabby chic. She also noted that she enjoyed reading, country living, sewing and forest creatures. Well let me tell you…there are a lot of red and white ornaments out there! I was so overwhelmed with all the different possibilities of ornaments that I could get her. But finally, I found this awesome squirrel ornament from Z Gallerie (photo taken from the Z Gallerie website). It’s white and fluffy AND sparkly – yay, I love it!

I think Gabrielle and I were thinking along the same lines when it came to the ornament exchange, because when I received my ornament on this past Monday, it was also a sparkly animal – a sparkly PUG to be exact!

Isn’t this amazing? I almost wish Petey was female so I could get him a burlesque outfit like this and dress him up in real life. Petey is still at the stage where he likes to chew and gnaw on anything he can get his little paws on. Last year we got a smaller tree and put it up on a table so he couldn’t reach the ornaments, but unfortunately we gave away the table and there’s just no spot to put a Christmas tree in the new apartment. And so, I present: the tree-less Christmas tree!

I made it just by pinning all of my Christmas ornaments to the wall using clear thumb tacks. I have a lot more ornaments than this, but this was pretty much as big as I could make the “tree” without it being Petey-height.

Here are my most recent ornaments to add to my collection, and some of my most favorite:

16 Comments on DIY Tree-less Christmas Tree

  1. Dawn Paoletta
    at (11 years ago)

    What a fabulous idea- the Treeless tree! Perfect- I think this is sparking a host of ideas in my head right now. Lovely ornaments!

  2. Gabrielle Cato
    at (11 years ago)

    awwww! that is such a wonderful idea! i have wanted to put a mini tree in my son’s room, but he is a holy terror also, so this might be the solution! i’m glad you liked the ornament! merry christmas!

  3. Amy
    at (11 years ago)

    Those ornaments are so cute and fun! Glad you guys had fun with the exchange; thanks for participating!!

  4. srpprcrftr
    at (11 years ago)

    A doggie lover/owner has to do what ya have to. Pretty ingenious idea to tack the ornaments on wall high enuf so your Petey couldn’t reach. Your ornament exchange was awesome, love both of them.
    The first year we had our current dog he ate all the lights, trim on the windows, the end of the rails for the front porch. We don’t put up lights all over the front yard anymore, only one string on the top of rail on porch. He even ate the strip all the lights were plugged into under the porch. It’s a miracle he was electrocuted. He’s a funny kid, (he’s now 4) and as far as we know he doesn’t eat the trim, etc., thank God. He was a shelter dog and had been abused. Now he’s a big lover sweetie.

  5. Shannah @ Just Us Four
    at (11 years ago)

    <3 the treeless Christmas "tree" cute.

    Thanks for linking up to the Pinworthy Projects Party today.

  6. Anonymous
    at (11 years ago)

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Pug ornament you received! Awesome tree!

  7. Stephanie Michaels
    at (11 years ago)

    Really cute! Thanks for sharing on Super Sweet Saturday.

  8. Kerstie
    at (11 years ago)

    I like your treeless tree very much, super cute.

  9. Stone Cottage Adventures
    at (11 years ago)

    I love the sparkly squirrel and the sparkly pug! They are both adorable! Great idea for a tree! How very, very clever! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  10. Jocie@TheBetterHalf
    at (11 years ago)

    What a cute idea, Sarah! Finally something to do with all my ornaments that I won’t put on my themed tree!

    Thanks for linking up last week at the Humble Brag. Hope you’ll come back tomorrow to link up. Also the Silhouette Cameo giveaway ends this weekend!

  11. Linda Bouf
    at (11 years ago)

    Treeless tree. Amazing!! Love it. Linda


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