DIY Craft Organization Drawers

If you’re like me, you probably have a very scary closet stuffed with all of your crafts supplies. Well, I decided to do a little organizing of the craft supplies, and I found the perfect thing for it. Well, almost perfect…

I found this…book shelf? Stacking drawers? Organization system? I’m not sure what you would call it, but I found this group of 12 shoebox-size containers in a shelf system at my local Salvation Army. It was 50% off, so I got it for a STEAL at $17. The problem was…the color. And there were old labels stuck on.

So I bought this pretty polka dot contact paper from Home Depot, removed all of the label holders (with help from the hubs), and covered all the boxes. It took a little while longer than I thought it would, but once I put the label holders back on my new craft organization system looked fabulous!

Voila! A new place to put all my crafty odds and ends!

5 Comments on DIY Craft Organization Drawers

  1. Wow! What a great find! I love the Contact paper makeover. So much storage potential – I’m a big fan of shoe boxes/photo boxes to store my craft stuff too.

    Visiting from Alderberry Hill’s link party.

  2. vikki
    at (12 years ago)

    Great redo, love it.

  3. krystel
    at (9 years ago)

    this is a really smart idea
